Registered Scottish Charity No: SC011823

Grouse by Gordon Mitchell RSA RSW RGI

Image: Grouse by Gordon Mitchell RSA RSW RGI Current President of SABA

Grants may be payable to Scottish artists or their dependants who are mainly suffering from old age or ill health. Applications are considered in April and November. Assistance may also be given for emergency situations and these are dealt with on an ongoing basis. The Association mainly assists those suffering from old age and ill health but can also consider emergency situations. It does not support project funding or education costs. Application forms can be obtained from the address below and all information given is strictly Private and Confidential. ‘Please note that although initial enquiries can be dealt with by email or telephone no decisions or advice can be given until a completed application form has been received by SABA and considered by the Council’

The Association was established in 1838 and is a small charity reliant on donations, bequests and income from investments. Life Membership is available at the cost of £50.

CONTACT: The Secretary, Scottish Artists’ Benevolent Association, C/o Robb Ferguson, Regent Court, 70 West Regent Street, Glasgow G2 2QZ. Email: